podcast, psychic reading

Free Psychic Reading – Upcoming Podcast

Clairvoyance College PodcastFREE CLAIRVOYANT READING

Email us for a chance to get a free psychic reading on our upcoming podcast! Please include your full legal name, phone number, and email. For the podcast, we will identify you by your first name only and your state of residence.

Please do not include your question or any other personal details.
Please save your question for the actual reading. The less that is known about you in advance, the easier it is to read you.

For information on how a reading session works and what kind of questions can be asked, please visit Private Session.

All selected participants will be asked to consent to a short Talent Release Form, and will be provided additional details. Must be age 18 or older to participate.


Spirit Guide Meditation (Psychic Workshop)

Live Workshop (Local & Remote)
Thursday, September 25, 2014
6:30PM – 9:00PM (Pacific Time/California)

We are never alone. We all have at least one primary Spirit Guide who has insights into our blue-prints (life plans) and is here to help us overcome our challenges and achieve our goals. Our Spirit Guides can hear our thoughts. They know our fears and desires. He/she is our trusted soul companion and is likely someone whom we have shared previous lifetimes with.
Come meet your Spirit Guide! This guided meditation will show you how to sense their presence, communicate and actively work with your Spirit Guide to achieve your soul purpose.

AGENDA: Lecture/preparation, guided meditations, class discussions, debriefing.

For more info/registration: http://www.clairvoyancecollege.com


Guided Meditation: Conflict Resolution (Workplace)

For additional remote/local live courses and registration: http://www.clairvoyancecollege.com


Conflict Resolution (Workplace)What can you do when you find yourself in a conflicting situation with a management team that lacks the integrity and professionalism to operate fairly and effectively? And a Personnel department that condones unhealthy management practices?

The world can be an unfair place. Those who lack clarity into their predicament can easily fall prey to the abusive corporate culture, time and time again.

The goal of this guided meditation workshop is to help empower you with the insights needed to assess the situation in a neutral manner, identify the action items you can take, and devise a plan to move your career to the next level.

DATES: Thursdays, 2014 October 2, 9 & 16
6:30PM – 9:15PM (Pacific Daylight Time)


Lecture, guided meditation, group discussion, and written goals and objectives.


Many students have found that when they meditate in a group (versus meditating alone), they are able to experience and achieve the goals set forth in the meditation. When you meditate with others, your energy can flow into synchronicity and harmony with those of the group. Just as with any team effort, everyone’s energy contributes to helping others in the group reach a common goal.


  • The Peter Principle
  • Bullying Tactics: Jealousy, Favoritism, Splitting & Clicks
  • The Management Game
  • The HR Game
  • Different Types of Conflict
  • Karma: Consequences and Opportunities
  • Inspirational Outcomes (True Examples)
  • Your Options (Spiritual and Legal)
  • Taking the Journey Inward
  • Guided Meditation #1: Acknowledgement & Healing
  • Guided Meditation #2: Clarity in Neutrality
  • Guided Meditation #3: Intuitive Insights
  • Guided Meditation #4: Action Items from Above
  • Guided Meditation #5: Future Opportunities

Clairvoyance Classes (Psychic Development)

For additional courses and registration, please visit: http://www.clairvoyancecollege.com

Chakras CLAIRVOYANCE I (BEGINNING)Thursdays, 6:30pm-9:00pm (Pacific Daylight Time)
October 23, 2014-January 29, 2015 (12 weeks)

Pre-requisite: none.
Required reading (to be provided by instructor): Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki.

Many of the participants who register for the Clairvoyance 1 course have had recurring paranormal experiences, some of which have left them confused. Consequently, we dedicate part of our meetings examining students’ personal phenomena from a spiritual and scientific perspective, clearing up mistaken beliefs about the paranormal, and eliminating fears of the unknown.

This course introduces participants to the essential techniques of clairvoyance and spiritual evolution. In psychic development exercises, students learn how to meditate, how to enter trances safely, and how to protect their personal energy fields (psychic protection). We will take an in-depth look at the human personal energy field—specifically, chakras and the aura. Under guided meditation, students will learn how to read all seven layers of the aura, free blockages, heal impacted areas, and raise their vibrations. During group activities, students will practice reading their classmates’ auras as well as having their own personal energy fields read. To help us evolve spiritually, we include Zen in our practice. Zen promotes wisdom and compassion, infusing our clairvoyance activity with greater clarity and responsibility.
